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Cambridge A Level Poetry (2025)
Video Lessons
'Winter Song' - Elizabeth Tollet (13:00)
'The Storm Wind' - William Barnes (13:39)
'The Stars Go Over the Lonely Ocean' - Robinson Jeffers (21:17)
'The Spring' - Thomas Carew (10:07)
'The Sea and The Hills' - Rudyard Kipling (17:22)
'The Hour is Come' - Louisa Lawson (7:34)
'The Darkling Thrush' - Thomas Hardy (19:18)
'Stabat Mater' - Sam Hunt (10:55)
'Renouncement' - Alice Meynell (22:13)
'Surplus Value' - David C Ward (17:50)
'Love (III)' - George Herbert (15:34)
'Eel Tail' - Alice Oswald (17:26)
'Description of Spring' - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (19:37)
'Australia 1970' - Judith Wright (19:41)
'An Afternoon Nap' - Arthur Yap (17:23)
'A long journey' - Musaemura Zimunya (17:45)
'Blessing' - Imitiaz Dharker (14:41)
'The Buck in the Snow' - Edna St Vincent Millay (18:49)
'Father Returning Home' - Dilip Chitre (14:30)
From 'Fears in Solitude' - Samuel Taylor Coleridge (25:31)
'Growing Old' - Mathew Arnold (25:45)
'In the Park' - Gwen Harwood (15:38)
'I hear an Army' - James Joyce (12:32)
'Passion' - Kathleen Raine (16:11)
'She was a Phantom of Delight' - William Wordsworth (15:39)
'The Clod and The Pebble' - William Blake (18:40)
'The Lost Woman' - Patricia Beer (21:08)
'The Road' - Nancy Fotheringham Cato (16:35)
'Who in One Lifetime' - Muriel Rukeyser (16:00)
From 'The Complaints of Poverty' - Nicholas James (18:12)
PDF Study Guides
'Winter Song' - Elizabeth Tollet
'The Storm-Wind' - William Barnes
'The Stars Go Over the Lonely Ocean' - Robinson Jeffers
'The Spring' - Thomas Carew
'The Sea and the Hills' - Rudyard Kipling
'The Hour is Come' - Louisa Lawson
'The Darkling Thrush' - Thomas Hardy
'Surplus Value' - David C Ward
'Stabat Mater' - Sam Hunt
'Renouncement' - Alice Meynell
'Love (III)' - George Herbert
'Eel Tail' - Alice Oswald
'Description of Spring' - Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
'Australia 1970' - Judith Wright
'An Afternoon Nap' - Arthur Yap
'A Long Journey' - Musaemura Zimunya
'Blessing' - Imitiaz Dharker
'Buck in the Snow' - Edna St Vincent Millay
'Father Returning Home' - Dilip Chitre
From 'Fears in Soltitude' - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
From 'The Complaints of Poverty' - Nicholas James
'Growing Old' - Mathew Arnold
'In the Park' - Gwen Harwood
'I hear an Army' - James Joyce
'Passion' - Kathleen Raine
'She was a Phantom of Delight' - William Wordsworth
'The Clod and the Pebble' - William Blake
'The Lost Woman' - Patricia Beer
'The Road' - Nancy Fotheringam Cato
'Who in One Lifetime' - Muriel Rukeyser
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'The Storm Wind' - William Barnes
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