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AQA GCSE 'Power and Conflict' Poetry (2025-26)
Power and Conflict Cluster Anthology List
Introduction and Anthology List (12:27)
'Ozymandias' - Percy Bysshe Shelley (43:25)
'London' - William Blake (41:16)
Extract from 'The Prelude' - William Wordsworth (42:38)
'My Last Duchess' - Robert Browning (40:39)
'Charge Of The Light Brigade' - Alfred Lord Tennyson (44:32)
'Storm on the Island' - Seamus Heaney (41:38)
'Bayonet Charge' - Ted Hughes (51:14)
'Remains' - Simon Armitage (36:34)
'Poppies' - Jane Weir (32:09)
'War Photographer' - Carol Ann Duffy (32:31)
'Tissue' - Imtiaz Dharker (39:49)
'The Émigrée' - Carol Rumens (32:53)
'Kamikaze' - Beatrice Garland (39:12)
'Exposure' - Wilfred Owen (61:02)
'Checking Out Me History' - John Agard (33:53)
'War Photographer' / 'Exposure' L9 - A* Full Mark Poetry Comparison Essay (12:08)
'Ozymandias' - Percy Bysshe Shelley
'London' - William Blake
Extract from The Prelude - William Wordsworth
'My Last Duchess' - Robert Browning
'The Charge of the Light Brigade' - Alfred Lord Tennyson
'Exposure' - Wilfred Owen
'Storm on the Island' - Seamus Heaney
'Bayonet Charge' - Ted Hughes
'Remains' - Simon Armitage
'Poppies' - Jane Weir
'War Photographer' - Carol Ann Duffy
'Tissue' - Imtiaz Dharker
'The Émigree' - Carol Rumens
'Checking Out Me History' - John Agard
'Kamikaze' - Beatrice Garland
Supporting Documents
'Storm on the Island' - Essay Question, Plan and Notes
'War Photographer' + 'Exposure' - L9/A* - Full Mark Poetry Comparative Essay
'London' + 'Checking Out Me History' - L7/L8 A/A* Grade Comparative Essay + Examiner Feedback
Ozymandias + Power - Example L7 A Grade GCSE/iGCSE Essay + Feedback
'Bayonet Charge' + 'Charge of the Light Brigade' - L6/B Grade Comparative Essay + Feedback
How to Write Poetry Essays and Understand the Mark Scheme (AQA GCSE Literature)
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'War Photographer' / 'Exposure' L9 - A* Full Mark Poetry Comparison Essay
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